Different Ways to Give
The Century Club
Established to celebrate Dr. Jim’s 100th birthday.
The Century Club has a goal of raising $100,000.00 by 2020 to be used to fund scholarships for students in Parker’s College of Chiropractic.
Making a donation of your body is an especially generous gift for many generations to come.
Parker General Fund
A gift to the Parker General Fund supports student scholarships, faculty and student development, student health and well-being and, campus enhancements.
Scholarships help support the financial needs of students pursuing an education at Parker University. You can contribute to a scholarship several ways: Establish your own named scholarship, make a gift to an existing scholarship fund or, give to the Parker General Scholarship Fund.
Money gifted to the Parker University Chiropractic Wellness Clinics will be used to fund research about conservative functional healthcare efficacy, safety, and practices; purchase equipment utilized in patient service; and provide care for underserved patient populations and patients who cannot afford to pay for their own care.
Planned Giving
There are many reasons to make a bequest, they can be very personal gifts too. It can be a great deal of satisfaction to know that your future gift will live on.
Parker Research Center
Currently Parker has limited opportunities for federal funding. With your donation the research for the projects can continue.
Learn MoreAs the currency for the future of chiropractic, research is in need of your support. With a small research infrastructure, Parker University has limited opportunities for federal funding. However, with funding from you, the research that can be conducted could be focused on our interest and not just that of the government. Currently, Parker University is involved in clinical, education, and health service research projects on a vast range of topics, including: chronic back pain, pregnancy, pediatrics, patient safety, force-sensing technology, pedagogy, and balance. Help continue to fund these projects and more!
The most successful chiropractic research center in the world is funded mostly by practicing chiropractors. Parker University could have the same impact with your investment. Thank you!
The PBI rotation encompasses the clinical experience that takes place in 35 private practices during the intern’s 10th trimester.
Learn More
The PBI rotation encompasses the clinical experience that takes place in 35 private practices during the intern’s 10th trimester. In this course, interns have the opportunity to provide chiropractic care to a variety of patients within solo or multi-provider practice environments while observing and learning successful practice management strategies.
Interns will utilize all of the skills taught at Parker University in order to experience a range of patient presentations under the guidance and supervision of a credentialed extension faculty member of the university in a private practice setting. These opportunities will allow interns the ability to expand their patient care knowledge and understanding by participating in supervised clinical experiences.
Make Your Online Donation
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As a nonprofit organization, Parker University needs your support to offer quality education to students, cutting-edge research for the profession, and valuable services to our patients and to the community. Your decision to partner with Parker creates a stronger voice for chiropractic and your investment helps create a global community ensuring the chiropractic profession becomes a leader in the 21st century for health and wellness.
There are many potential ways you can focus your gift to help the Parker community. Dedicated interest on the part of donors is a key element for the health of the Parker community.
Gifts of all sizes add up to a substantial sum. In fiscal year 2014–2015, alumni collectively gave over $813,000 to Parker University.
Participation in Parker University is also an important indicator of alumni engagement—a message to corporations and foundations who might offer large gifts that the alumni support their University.
A commitment to Parker University is an ongoing “vote of support” for Parker.
for more information please email us at: AskAlumni@parker.edu
Every gift makes a difference.
We provide many ways you can support Dr. Parker's vision. Your investment helps create a global community ensuring
the chiropractic profession becomes a leader in the 21st century!
Top 10 Reasons to Give
Make a Difference
Your gift, small or large, directly impacts the lives of Parker students and faculty. Combine your gift with the gifts of thousands of alumni, parents, and friends and the impact is astounding.
Say Thank You
You know how important financial aid was to your education, and 85% of Parker University students receive financial aid. Give back by making a gift that will provide future Parker students with the same opportunity to receive the personal attention and academic excellence that set Parker apart.
Support Your Parker Family
A gift to Parker University is more than just a gift to an institution. Your contribution supports all members of the Parker family through student scholarships, programs, facility improvements, technology upgrades, and faculty development.
Bridge the Gap
Tuition only covers 80% of the cost of a student’s education. Gifts from alumni, parents, and friends of the university provide the funds needed to cover the remaining 20%.
Invest in Future Leaders.
Parker students dream of becoming leaders in chiropractic and health care in general. Your support is an investment in those dreams and in the future of the communities in which Parker alumni will live and work.
To Maintain Traditions.
The vision set by Dr. Parker in 1951 for providing the very best chiropractic education is still carried out today at Parker University. Your gifts help keep the tradition alive.
Leave a Legacy
You believe in the work of Parker, and you want the University to continue to change the lives of generations of individuals to come. By making a bequest to Parker, you ensure that your personal legacy lives on and makes a difference to students forever.
Increase Our National Reputation and Rankings
National university rankings take into consideration giving percentages when evaluating a university. These percentages indicate how satisfied alumni, parents and students are with the education received from that institution. Future students and their parents often consider these rankings when selecting colleges. Your support of Parker improves our reputation and assists in recruiting top students to the University.
Improve the Value of a Degree
Increasing Parker’s stature as a university with a national reputation helps increase the value of a Parker degree.
Increase Corporate and Foundation Gifts
Giving serves as one of the measures by which corporations and foundations rate alumni, parent, and student involvement. Your personal annual gift can turn into millions of dollars in corporate and foundation support.